You want to know what all the big guys are doing out there in the “web 2.0” world? Have a listen to the mp3s of the “Future of Web Apps” summit. There are guys from, Flickr, 37Signals, Google, Yahoo and others speaking. I have yet to listen to all of them, but the ones […]
TinyMCE rocks! I have been integrating it into our content management system, and I must say its impressive. Its very easy to use, and Just Works™, unlike some other web rich text editors out there. I managed to build a custom link screen in a couple of hours, with very little javascript. Another bonus is […]
I just saw now on The Register that the opera web browser has had its built in ads removed, and is now fully free. Sounds like a good move to encourage usage of the browser. I have shied away from it in the past because of the ads, maybe now is a good time to […]
I was just reading a post over on whitespace, and it got me thinking about learning any computer language. It is not enough to read a book and do some examples from the book – you actually need to write something substantial in the language. Granted, it will probably suck, since you would have built […]
There have been lots of people writing about ajax recently, and more importantly about ajax accessibility. Keeping it simple, I want to focus on what happens when a user has javascript off, or the browser doesn’t support the XMLHttpRequest object. Now this may seem obvious, but your interface should work without javascript enabled. Maybe it […]