Gareth Lennox

Category Archives: General

Simple version numbers with git

Each .net project has a version number (4 dotted numbers, e.g. While you could leave it like that, it would ideally point back a unique revision in your source control system. Unfortunately, they need to be a number, so you cannot dump the git hash in there and be done. There are some projects […]

Delivering all mail to a local account

I recently asked a question on Ask Ubuntu, regarding setting up my Ubuntu (12.04) virtual machine with a mail server, but to not actually send any mail. What’s the point of this? Well, because I’m developing web applications that send mail, I want to test with all sorts of different e-mail addresses, other than my own, without […]

Using Google Web Fonts

Google Web Fonts is a great resource for custom web fonts. It is free and has a huge library of fonts (508 different fonts at time of writing). A lot of people are saying that while the library is large, the quality of most of the fonts is not that great. While this is true, […]

XTS-AES implementation: SectorStream

As a by-product of the XtsSharp project, I implemented a SectorStream, which is a stream that reads and writes whole sectors (the size of which is configurable) to enable the XTS algorithm to operate on standard .NET streams. I also implemented another stream based class that provides random access to an underlying SectorStream. This simulates random access […]