This blog is now running under wordpress 2. Its looks very spiffy, but I still need to explore all the changes. Once thing I noticed is that you can add categories while you are editing a post (I mentioned it here a while ago.
I have turned off the WYSIWYG editor for the moment, because there is no functionality to paste code (i.e. html tags) into the edit box, as it doesn’t escape it properly.
Otherwise, looking good!
Ahhh…. perfect for skiing! 🙂

We are looking to hire a software developer. More details on our website.
If you feel qualified, please don’t hesitate to contact us. I will let our website) provide the details…
Since I discovered rss feeds, I have tried many feed readers, but all the applications didn’t work for me, I needed a web-based reader. Why? I need to be able to access it from multiple computers, making it difficult to sync read/unread items. A web app solves this by being accessible from anywhere.
I ended up settling on Bloglines, and used it for about a year. I have recently switched to using Gregarius. Its a nifty PHP feed reader that’s skinnable and has lots of plugins to customise it. The user-interface is also much better than Bloglines, and since its skinnable, if you don’t like how it looks, make your own skin!
Its obviously not a hosted service, so you need some web space, but I much prefer it. Its nice to be in control. 🙂
I just saw now on The Register that the opera web browser has had its built in ads removed, and is now fully free.
Sounds like a good move to encourage usage of the browser. I have shied away from it in the past because of the ads, maybe now is a good time to check it out.
Get it at